On this week’s episode of The World Greatest Action Sports Podcast, Chris and Todd talk about all kinds of stuff including Snapt High 2020 on STABmag.com with the return of Clay Marzo as well as shredding by Mason Ho, the Moniz bros, Sheldon, Eithan, and of course we they discuss the death of Keith Hufnagel AKA HUF, French Rendez-Vous of Surfing, Italo’s domination, Nate Tyler in Arbutus, La Niña, El Nino, the upcoming WSL CT season, who’s going to be World Champ, Derek Ho birthday, HUF x Keep A Breast, X-Games Best Trick 2020, Red Bull Solus, Max Parrot is cancer free, Dane Burman risks his life for his latest video parts, the ultimate Funko heavy Metal Toy collection, and some really really really good questions! Let’s go!
Presented by:
Hansen’s Surfboards @hansenssurfboards
Adventure IO @adventureio
K2 Snowboarding @k2.snowboarding
Pannikin Coffee And Tea @pannikincoffeeandtea
Chemistry Surfboards @chemistrysurfboards
YewOnline.com @yewonline
New Greens @newgreens
NanocraftCBD @nanocraftCBD
Super 73 Electric Bikes! @super73
BN3TH @BN3THApparel