On this week’s episode of The World’s Greatest Action Sports Podcast, Chris and Todd talk to snowboarding legend and coach to the snow-stars, JJ Thomas who called in from Sass fee, Switzerland to discuss the current state of snowboarding, as well as the wild viral avalanche video that he shot. Jacob “Zeke” Szekely talks about the South Korean wave pool that the whole world wants to surf. We also dive in to topics like surfer, skater, snowboarder Halloween costumes, longboarding hits the Surf Ranch, Dane Reynolds starts new wetsuit company with the homies at Buell Wetsuits, TMZ Sports has some stuff to say about surfboards, Governor Andrew Cuomo talks snowboarding in New York, Candy Jacobs is pro for Birdhouse, Brock Crouch teaches Method Airs, and all great questions get answered. This is a good one—you should recommend it to a friend.
Presented by:
Hansen’s Surfboards @hansensurfboards
K2 Snowboarding @k2.snowboarding
Pannikin Coffee And Tea @pannikincoffeeandtea
Chemistry Surfboards @chemistrysurfboards
YewOnline.com @yewonline
New Greens @newgreens
NanocraftCBD @nanocraftCBD
Super 73 Electric Bikes! @super73
BN3TH @BN3THApparel
Adventure IO @adventureio