On this week’s episode of the World’s Greatest Action Sports Podcast Chris and Todd have a serious conversation about quarantine life with some of their usual antics strewn in. They talk about what to watch during quarantine, discuss whether or not to surf, skate, and how people are still snowboarding. Plus they dive in to the latest edits in surf, skate, snow, including X-Games Real Snow (up now), InstaGram challenges, as well as answer a bunch of your questions and do our best to be normal through such a strange time.
Presented by:
Adventure IO @adventureio
K2 Snowboarding @k2.snowboarding
Pannikin Coffee And Tea @pannikincoffeeandtea
Chemistry Surfboards @chemistrysurfboards
YewOnline.com @yewonline
New Greens @newgreens
NanocraftCBD @nanocraftCBD
Super 73 Electric Bikes! @super73